Shannon Donley

Family: Wes (husband), Caroline (5th Grade), Cam (3rd Grade)
Profession: Homemaker Church: Redeemer, Winter Haven
What you love about LCS: Choosing a school for your children to attend is one of the most important decisions along the journey of life, in my opinion. I am pleased to say that choosing LCS has been life changing for my entire family. My children, Caroline and Cam, are obtaining a sound Christian education
with a challenging curriculum. In addition, we now have a new “extended” family within the LCS community full of teachers, administrators, and LCS parents! I thank God each day for LCS and for the community we have found there. I pray that my experience in the past as a 2nd grade teacher and small business owner will be helpful in providing unique insight to the board and move LCS successfully forward in the light of God’s Word.